How Is CBD Extracted?

How Is CBD Extracted?

Are you a fan of CBD oils, gummies, or drinks? If you are like most people, you probably don't pay much thought to their origin. Your favorite CBD products have to go through a long extraction process before getting to you. 

The process of extracting CBD involves the isolation of cannabinoids from other plant material in cannabis. The chemical compound is then distilled in high concentration. 

Studies suggest that cannabinoids have both mental and physical health benefits. They improve mood, manage pain, and alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Using an extraction machine, here is how the valuable chemical is extracted. 

  1. The Co2 Extraction Method

Carbon dioxide is one of the most versatile gases for commercial purposes and it comes in handy during the extraction of CBD. In the CO2 extraction method, the gas is used without altering its natural form. However, it may also be compressed into a liquid. 

The liquid is passed through cannabis material and it pulls off CBD. The solution is passed through specific pressures and temperatures where it is turned back to gas. When it evaporates, the extracted CBD remains behind. Extraction units may process up to 1200 pounds of biomass in just one run. 

  1. Solvent Extraction Method

This extraction method is a lot like the CO2 extraction method. However, it is more appropriate when speed and low costs are important. Butane has been used in the extraction process for a long time. However, propane and ethanol are popular options as well. 

The solvent extraction method used the closed-loop system. Ethanol, propane, or butane is washed through cannabis material. It releases CBD, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.

The solvent is then heated for some time and then cooled. The extracted compound can be removed from the solvent without damaging it. The biggest challenge of this method of extraction is that sometimes, impurities are extracted with the cannabis material. The resulting product may have an unpleasant taste or smell. The method should only be attempted by professionals. 

The process of using a CBD extraction machine is fast and fairly simple. On average, it takes just one afternoon. 1200 pounds of cannabis can be processed in three to four ways.

Are you looking for reliable CBD extraction services? Colorado Extraction Systems is happy to help. We are dedicated to the design and implementation of processes that meet our high standards and customer expectations. The entire team is keen on delivering visible results and not excuses.